- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum Arthropoda
- Class: Chelicerata
- Order: Scorpiones
- Family: Scorpionidae
- Subfamily: Scorpionidae
- Genus: Pandinus
- Scientific Name: Pandinus Imperator
- Common name: Emperor Scorpion / Imperial Scorpion. (The latin name may mean "Terrible Forest Emperor")
- Range:Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Guina-Bissau, Nigeria, Togo (probably in other coutries in region too))
- Type: Terrestrial, but will burrow to some extent
- Communal: Yes
- Full Grown Size: 13-20cm
- Growth Rate: Medium
- Temperature: 20-30ºC
- Humidity: 75-80%
- Temperament: Docile and Calm
- Venom: 2 - Mildly venomous, but painful sting. Harmless for healthy humans. Note that they have very strong pedipalps, which can give very painful pinches. Will rarely sting, but young individuals and females with scorplings can be more prone to stinging.
- Diet: Crickets, Mice, Locusts,scorpions anything smaller than itself
- Housing: 5"+ of substrate, damp peat/compost, bark could be used for hides, water bowl
- Substrate Depth/Type: Peat/compost 10-20 cm deep